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Burgar Karal (Ocean Mob) Artwork

Burgar Karal (Ocean Mob) Artwork

Regular price $1,000.00 AUD
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Rachel Stephan


76cm x 102cm


This artwork was created to tell a contemporary story of the burgar kurul (ocean mob) that live on Wonwin Country (Shellharbour) the traditional owners are the Wodi Wodi mob and I wanted to celebrate their connect to the burgar.

The textured blues in the background are the symbology for water flow, in this contemproy story they reflect the tranquil waters that they have cared for and protected since the dreaming. The white textured symbology is for human and show 3 distinctive figures: the past, the present and the emerging.

With this piece I invite the viewer to take a moment to pause and acknowledgement the traditional owners of Wonwin.

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